EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 June
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 19 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-06][EAR-CD III].iso
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Assembly Source File
424 lines
;PIC16C84 keybord controller for Amiga keybords
;pressed keys are located in table and send in serial ascii format (19200baud)
;Dirk Duesterberg duesterb@unixserv.rz.fh-hannover.de
; http://linux.rz.fh-hannover.de/~duesterb
list p=PIC16C84, r=dec, s=off
include "ram:p16cxx.inc"
#define ACLK PortA,0
#define ADAT PortA,1
#define TXD PortA,2
#define c 3,0
#define z 3,2
RA = 5 ;PortA is register 5
movlw 11111011b ;pin 2 is output (TXD)
tris PortA
movlw 0 ;PortB is output
tris PortB
goto Reset
rawkeys movf Akeydat,w
andlw 7fh ;clr bit 7 (make/break or pressed/unpressed)
addwf pcl,f
; characters, numbers and spezial keys
; $00-$3F
retlw 00h ;00h
retlw 00h ;01h
retlw 00h ;02h
retlw 00h ;03h
retlw 00h ;04h
retlw 00h ;05h
retlw 00h ;06h
retlw 00h ;07h
retlw 00h ;08h
retlw 00h ;09h
retlw 00h ;0Ah
retlw 00h ;0Bh
retlw 00h ;0Ch
retlw 00h ;0Dh
retlw 00h ;0Eh
retlw 00h ;0Fh
retlw "q" ;10h
retlw "w" ;11h
retlw "e" ;12h
retlw "r" ;13h
retlw "t" ;14h
retlw "z" ;15h
retlw "u" ;16h
retlw "i" ;17h
retlw "o" ;18h
retlw "p" ;19h
retlw "ü" ;1Ah
retlw "+" ;1Bh
retlw 00h ;1Ch
retlw 00h ;1Dh
retlw 00h ;1Eh
retlw 00h ;1Fh
retlw "a" ;20h
retlw "s" ;21h
retlw "d" ;22h
retlw "f" ;23h
retlw "g" ;24h
retlw "h" ;25h
retlw "j" ;26h
retlw "k" ;27h
retlw "l" ;28h
retlw "ö" ;29h
retlw "ä" ;2Ah
retlw 00h ;2Bh
retlw 00h ;2Ch
retlw 00h ;2Dh
retlw 00h ;2Eh
retlw 00h ;2Fh
retlw 00h ;30h
retlw 00h ;31h
retlw 00h ;32h
retlw 00h ;33h
retlw 00h ;34h
retlw 00h ;35h
retlw 00h ;36h
retlw 00h ;37h
retlw 00h ;38h
retlw 00h ;39h
retlw 00h ;3Ah
retlw 00h ;3Bh
retlw 00h ;3Ch
retlw 00h ;3Dh
retlw 00h ;3Eh
retlw 00h ;3Fh
; other spezial keys (space, TAB, Return)
; $40-$4F
retlw 00h ;40h
retlw 00h ;41h
retlw 00h ;42h
retlw 00h ;43h
retlw 00h ;44h
retlw 00h ;45h
retlw 00h ;46h
retlw 00h ;47h
retlw 00h ;48h
retlw 00h ;49h
retlw 00h ;4Ah
retlw 00h ;4Bh
retlw 00h ;4Ch
retlw 00h ;4Dh
retlw 00h ;4Eh
retlw 00h ;4Fh
; Function keys, Help etc.
; $50-$5F
retlw 00h ;50h
retlw 00h ;51h
retlw 00h ;52h
retlw 00h ;53h
retlw 00h ;54h
retlw 00h ;55h
retlw 00h ;56h
retlw 00h ;57h
retlw 00h ;58h
retlw 00h ;59h
retlw 00h ;5Ah
retlw 00h ;5Bh
retlw 00h ;5Ch
retlw 00h ;5Dh
retlw 00h ;5Eh
retlw 00h ;5Fh
; shifting keys like shift, amiga, Alternate and Control
; $60-6F
retlw 00h ;60h
retlw 00h ;61h
retlw 00h ;62h
retlw 00h ;63h
retlw 00h ;64h
retlw 00h ;65h
retlw 00h ;66h
retlw 00h ;67h
retlw 00h ;68h
retlw 00h ;69h
retlw 00h ;6Ah
retlw 00h ;6Bh
retlw 00h ;6Ch
retlw 00h ;6Dh
retlw 00h ;6Eh
retlw 00h ;6Fh
;spezial keybord commandos
; $70-$7F
retlw 00h ;70h
retlw 00h ;71h
retlw 00h ;72h
retlw 00h ;73h
retlw 00h ;74h
retlw 00h ;75h
retlw 00h ;76h
retlw 00h ;77h
retlw 00h ;78h
retlw 00h ;79h=F9h= letzter tasten code war fehlerhaft
retlw 00h ;7Ah=FAh= tastenpuffer im keybord voll
retlw 00h ;7Bh
retlw 00h ;7Ch=FCh= selbsttest der tastatur war fehlerhaft
retlw 00h ;7Dh=FDh= beginn der beim Einschalten gedrueckten Tasten
retlw 00h ;7Eh=FEh= ende der beim Einschalten gedrueckten Tasten
retlw 00h ;7Fh
Reset clrf Akeydat ;Akeydat is used as character counter
check movlw 11
subwf Akeydat,w ;how many characters ?
btfsc z
goto ready
call dat
movwf serbuf
call sendb ;send letter
incf Akeydat,f
goto check
dat movf Akeydat,w ;letter to w routine
addwf pcl,f ;jump in table
retlw "mache RESET"
ready call sync
rcAdat movlw 7
movwf count0
:loop call wACLK ;wait for Amiga CLK
rlf Akeydat,f ;rotate bits into register
decfsz count0,f
goto :loop ;format is x6543210
rlf Akeydat,f ;format is 6543210x
call wACLK ;wait for Amiga CLK
rrf Akeydat,f ;format is 76543210, jippije
comf Akeydat,f ;data is inverted
movlw 5
call wms ;wait 5 ms
; mov serbuf,Akeydat
; call sendb ;send raw data
call rawkeys
movwf serbuf
btfss Akeydat,7 ;no sending if key up flag is set
call sendb ;send the in table found code
call AHshake ;all data OK, do the Handshake
goto rcAdat ;receive next byte from keybord
sync call wACLK ;wait for clock and do no Acknowledge
movlw 250
call wms ;wait 250 ms (we want the sync mode!)
call wACLK ;wait for Amiga CLK for Handshake
movlw 1
call wms ;wait 1 ms
call AHshake ;now we do the shake!
wms movwf count0
:loop movlw 248
movwf count1
:do_it nop
decfsz count1,f
goto :do_it
decfsz count0,f
goto :loop
AHshake movlw 11111001b ;bit1 = ADAT = output
tris RA
bcf ADAT ;clr Amiga data line
movlw 40
movwf count0 ;40 * 3 = 120cycles = 120 µs (min 75µs)
:do_it decfsz count0,f
goto :do_it
movlw 11111011b ;bit1 = ADAT = input
tris RA
wACLK btfsc ACLK ;wait for neg clock pulse
goto wACLK
btfss Adat
bcf c
btfsc Adat
bsf c ;mov the data to carry bit
wACLK2 btfss ACLK ;wait for pos clock pulse
goto wACLK2
sendb call wbit ;this are stop bits from previous sending
call wbit
bsf TXD ;send startbit
movlw 8
movwf count0 ;8 bits to send
comf serbuf,f ;invert serbuf
s_it call wbit
rrf serbuf,f
btfss c
bcf TXD
btfsc c
bsf TXD
decfsz count0,f
goto s_it ;all bits send ? decrement the bitcounter
call wbit
bcf TXD ;clear TXD, stopbit, lenght is defined by
;next sending
wbit movlw 13
movwf count1 ;19200 at 4 Mhz
:loop decfsz count1,f
goto :loop